I once read a sticker on a car, “when days are dark, friends are few”. It stuck a cord with me, true friendship is not for the faint hearted, because some of us go through some wars where the battle scars never heal.
This seemed relevant to most of the clients we work with at The Humanity Hub, but every once in a while we are proven wrong!
Steven moved to Cape Town after surviving an ugly divorce, and eager to start over. Working as a landscaper he earned good money, and slowly started rebuilding his life. However, the pandemic, dried up his work and soon he ran out of savings, living from shelter to shelter.
Desperate for way out of this devastation, keeping his ears to the ground, he heard about this place in town that might be able to assist him. He made his way to “this place” – The Humanity Hub. Reunification was the goal. Steven needed supportive human contact before the streets gained a stronger hold on him.
Our fieldworker started developing a rapport with a close friend of Steven in Durban, and slowly facilitated the restoration of an old friendship. These restorative consultations lead to Steven finding an anchor in his storm, a home to go to and a friend to help him rebuild his life back in Durban.
Again, thanks to the generous support of our community, Steven embarked on his journey to a new life, stability and friendship last week. Eager to continue start all over, again, but this time with a long lost friend by his side, restoring his dignity as he continues on his journey of self-love and healing.
*not his real name