Friendship – the Essence of Life
I once read a sticker on a car, “when days are dark, friends are few”. It stuck a cord with me, true friendship is not for the faint hearted, because some of us go through some wars where the battle scars never heal. This seemed relevant to most of the clients we work with at […]
Lighting the Way Home
In desperate need for an income to provide for her 2-year-old son, Tanya left her home in Zimbabwe to find work in Cape Town. She walked by faith, not knowing that she would start losing her sight soon after arriving in Cape Town. Finding herself destitute, on the streets – and after 3 eye surgeries, […]
Helping homeless clients find employment through collaboration
Many say, “just find a job” when coming across someone begging on the street. The stained face and dirty clothes are all they see; they look past the desperation and sadness. “Just get a job!” How? How does a homeless person apply for employment opportunities without access to ablution facilities or a safe, clean place […]